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polymorph.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Polymorph class.

/u/nn/cvsroot/lissom/src/polymorph.h,v 1.13 2001/04/07 08:15:30 jbednar Exp

Definition in file polymorph.h.

#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cassert>
#include "../src/stringutils.h"
#include "../src/stringparser.h"
#include "../src/allocatingpointer.h"
#include "../src/tristate.h"
#include "../src/typeless.h"

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class  Polymorph
 Generic implementation of a polymorphic object; no support for numericvalue(). More...

class  Polymorph< string >
 Specialization for string types. More...

class  PolymorphBase
 Wrapper to hide the type of an enclosed variable. More...


#define NumericPolymorph(type)
 Specialization for numeric types.


template<class T> Polymorph< T > make_Polymorph (T *ptr)
 Returns a polymorph of the appropriate type for the given pointer argument.

template<class T> Polymorph< T > allocating_Polymorph (const T &val)
 Returns a polymorph of the appropriate type with an internal copy of the given non-pointer argument.

 NumericPolymorph (int)
 NumericPolymorph (double)
 NumericPolymorph (Tristate)

Define Documentation

#define NumericPolymorph type   


template <> class Polymorph<type> : public PolymorphBase<type> {\
  typedef type value_type;\
  typedef  Polymorph<value_type> self;\
  virtual ~Polymorph() { }\
  Polymorph(value_type  val) : PolymorphBase<value_type>(val) {  };\
  Polymorph(value_type* ptr) : PolymorphBase<value_type>(ptr) {  };\
  virtual Typeless* clone()     const { return new self(*this); };\
  virtual Typeless* duplicate() const { return new self(*p);    };\
  virtual bool  isnumeric() const {  return true;  }\
  virtual Typeless::exprtype numericvalue() const\
    {  return Typeless::exprtype(*p);  }\
  virtual string prettyprint(String::StreamFormat format=String::StreamFormat()) const\
    {  return (*p==Uninitialized ? std::string("Uninitialized") : stringrep(format));  }\
Specialization for numeric types.

This implementation adds numericvalue() support to the given type. It would be cleaner to have numericvalue() as a template function, but then it couldn't be virtual, and also we need to specify that only numeric types can use this specialization. Thus here we explicitly specialize Polymorph for the typical numeric types.

If you use other numeric types, just add the appropriate "NumericPolymorph(type);" line before you use them (e.g. just after including this file) and numericvalue() should magically start to work for them.

Note that the prettyprint implementation assumes that you will want all values which happen to be equal to Tristate's Uninitialized to print as "Uninitialized" for all numeric types, which is currently useful but may not always be so.

Definition at line 223 of file polymorph.h.

Function Documentation

template<class T>
Polymorph<T> make_Polymorph T *    ptr

Returns a polymorph of the appropriate type for the given pointer argument.

This can be used to avoid having to specify the specific template argument to determine the Polymorph type.

Definition at line 193 of file polymorph.h.

Generated on Mon Jan 20 02:36:39 2003 for RF-LISSOM by doxygen1.3-rc2