The UT Austin Villa 2005 RoboCup Four-Legged Team (2005)
The UT Austin Villa Four-Legged Team for RoboCup 2005 was a third-time entry in the ongoing series of RoboCup legged league competitions. The team development began in mid-January of 2003 without any prior familiarity with the Aibos. After entering a fairly non-competitive team in RoboCup 2003, the team made several important advances. By the July 2004 competition that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, it was one of the top few teams. After those first two years of intense development, the team's third year was devoted more to spinoff research than to development related to the competition. Building off of the team's previous two technical reports, this report details the changes made to the team between RoboCup 2004 and RoboCup 2005 in Osaka. Taken together, this and the previous technical reports provide the history and details of a relatively young RoboCup team that has quickly grown from a nascent project to an ongoing source of diverse and plentiful research results while becoming a highly-seeded team in competitions.
Technical Report UT-AI-TR-05-325, The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, AI Laboratory, November 2005.

Kurt Dresner kurt [at] dresner name
Peggy Fidelman Former Ph.D. Student peggyf [at] cs utexas edu
Nate Kohl Ph.D. Alumni nate [at] natekohl net
Gregory Kuhlmann kuhlmann [at] cs utexas edu
Mohan Sridharan mhnsrdhrn [at] gmail com
Peter Stone pstone [at] cs utexas edu
Daniel Stronger dan stronger [at] gmail com