I study learning in robots and other situated, embodied agents. This
interest includes both scaling up existing learning algorithms to the
rich, high-dimensional, continuous sensorimotor systems of such
agents, and integrating learning and adaptation into their general
decision-making processes. My research seeks to understand how an
agent with a rich, realistic sensorimotor system can learn to
perceive, act, and achieve a broad range of goals, with minimal prior
knowledge of itself and its world. My dissertation presents
Self-Organizing Distinctive-state Abstraction (SODA), a generic
method by which a robot in a continuous world can learn a set of
high-level perceptual features and temporally-extended actions for
navigating in large environments. Using SODA an agent has learned to
perform a navigation task requiring hundreds small-scale, local
actions using as few as nine new, temporally-extended actions,
significantly improving learning time over navigating with local
actions. My dissertation advisors are Ben Kuipers and Risto Miikkulainen.
jefferson provost [at] gmail com