Finless rockets are more efficient than finned designs, but are too
unstable to fly unassisted. These rockets require an active
guidance system to control their orientation during flight and
maintain stability. Because rocket dynamics are highly non-linear,
developing such a guidance system can be prohibitively costly,
especially for relatively small-scale rockets such as sounding
rockets. In this paper, we propose a method for evolving a neural
network guidance system using the Enforced SubPopulations (ESP)
algorithm. Based on a detailed simulation model, a controller is
evolved for a finless version of the Interorbital Systems RSX-2
sounding rocket. The resulting performance is compared to that of an
unguided standard full-finned version. Our results show that the
evolved active guidance controller can greatly increase the final
altitude of the rocket, and that ESP can be an effective method for
solving real-world, non-linear control tasks.
[ Winner of the GECCO-2003 Best Paper Award in Real-World Applications ]