Converting RGB Images to LMS Cone Activations (2006)
This article describes a process for converting color RGB (Red/Green/Blue) images to LMS (Long/Medium/Short) photoreceptor activations. In an RGB image each triple represents phosphor luminosity in a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) screen. In an LMS triple each value simulates a retina photoreceptor activation upon viewing the RGB triple displayed on a CRT screen. The conversion process requires the phosphor emission functions for a CRT monitor and the sensitivity functions for the Long, Medium, and Short cone photoreceptors. To calculate the final photoreceptor activity, transform the RGB pixels with the CRT emission function, then multiply the result with the photoreceptor sensitivity vector.
Technical Report, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 2006. Technical Report 06-49.

Judah De Paula Ph.D. Alumni
Austin Arboretum Foliage Corpus Photographs for use with color modeling work taken by Judah De Paula at the Austin Arboretum. Images contain mostly leav... 2007

Flowers Color Image Corpus Photographs for use with color modeling work taken by Judah De Paula at the Austin Arboretum. Images contain mostly clos... 2007

RGBtoLMS Python code to convert RGB images to simulated Long, Medium, and Short photoreceptor cone activations. The program also... 2007