Computational Maps in the Visual Cortex

Risto MiikkulainenJames A. BednarYoonsuck ChoeJoseph Sirosh
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The book Computational Maps in the Visual Cortex by Miikkulainen, Bednar, Choe, and Sirosh (New York: Springer 2005) presents a unified computational approach to understanding the structure, development, and function of the visual cortex. It reviews the current theories of the visual cortex and the biological data on which they are based, and presents a detailed analysis of the laterally connected self-organizing map model and results obtained to date. Together with the software package Topographica, it serves as a comprehensive foundation for future research in computational neuroscience of the visual cortex.

This web page introduces the book through the table of contents and a sample chapter, and supplements it with electronic resources such as zoomable versions of the figures, bibtex and html references, animations of many of the simulations, and simulation software. To order the book, see e.g. Springer. If you have comments or suggestions about this site or the book, please let us know.