Our research article on NERO won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games 2005.

In most modern video games, character behavior is scripted; no matter how many times the player exploits a weakness, that weakness is never repaired. Yet if game characters could learn through interacting with the player, behavior could improve during gameplay, keeping it interesting. This paper introduces the real-time NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (rtNEAT) method for evolving increasingly complex artificial neural networks in real time, as a game is being played. The rtNEAT method allows agents to change and improve during the game. In fact, rtNEAT makes possible a new genre of video games in which the player teaches a team of agents through a series of customized training exercises. In order to demonstrate this concept in the NeuroEvolvingRoboticOperatives (NERO) game, the player trains a team of robots for combat. This paper describes results from this novel application of machine learning, and also demonstrates how multiple agents can evolve and adapt in video games like NERO in real time using rtNEAT. In the future, rtNEAT may allow new kinds of educational and training applications that adapt online as the user gains new skills.

Photo of Award

After first appearing on Slashdot on June 27th, 2005, NERO has received a lot of coverage all over the world. (Click here for the story of NERO's slashdotting)

English Language
UTCS Promotional Media
University of Texas Featured Project
GarageGames News
UK Guardian Blog
MIT Technology Review Blog by Brad King
The Helper Gaming Forum
The Haven Gaming Forum (compares NERO to Skynet)
American Assoc. for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) video games page
UK Personal Computer World Tech News
Digital Dust
Nano News
Games Digest

Other Languages
ct Computer Magazine (German; in print, see contents p.59) (German) IT News (German)
Windows Mobile Club (German) (Dutch)
ZDNet France Blog (French)
Tech-tudomany (Hungarian) (Latvian)
Linkmania (Romanian) (Portuguese) (Dutch) (Russian)

Please let us know other significant media sources where you've seen NERO.
TV News Coverage
KXAN-TV 36 News "UT Labs Developing Smarter Video Games" Follow the link and click the small camera icon at the top of the story in order to view the video.

If you're like most of us, you'd probably never associate a video game with car safety or rocket science. New research at the University of Texas could change your mind while it changes the future of everything from driving to gaming.

"If you're like most of us, you'd probably never associate a video game with car safety or rocket science. New research at the University of Texas could change your mind while it changes the future of everything from driving to gaming."
More >>

Training Storyboard
Walkthough an informative discussion on the training process in NERO.
Battle Storyboard
Walkthough an informative discussion on the battle process in NERO.
NERO is a game of training and battle. These movies are recorded from both parts of the game.

The behavior in these movies was discovered by rtNEAT evolution in real time; none was scripted. Novel strategies and behaviors emerge on their own to fit the requirements of each task.
Concept Poster
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