An Architecture for Action Selection in Robotic Soccer (2001)
Peter Stone and David McAllester
CMUnited-99 was the 1999 RoboCup robotic soccer simulator league champion. In the RoboCup-2000 competition, CMUnited-99 was entered again and despite being publicly available for the entire year, it still finished in 4th place. This paper presents some of the key elements behind ATT-CMUnited-2000, one of the three teams that finished ahead of CMUnited-99 in RoboCup-2000 out of thirty four entrants. Playing against CMUnited-99, ATT-CMUnited-2000 scores an average of about 8 goals per opponent goal. This paper describes some of the key innovations that make this improvement possible.
In Elisabeth Andre and Sandip Sen and Claude Frasson and Jörg P. Müller, editors, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, 316-323, New York, NY, 2001. ACM Press.

Peter Stone pstone [at] cs utexas edu