PhD Proposal Outline
1. Introduction
- What is the general problem you are trying to solve?
- Why is it significant?
- Why is it hard?
- What is your approach?
- Why do you think it will solve it?
2. Related work
- What has been done?
- What has not been done?
- How does your work fit in?
3. Your approach
- General idea
- Architecture
- How does it work?
4. Preliminary experiments
- How much have you done so far?
- How does it relate to the big picture?
- What were the results like?
- What remains to be done?
5. Proposed work
- Extensions to your method
- Analysis of your method (theoretical, or experimental in a domain
where it is easy to analyze how the method works)
- Comparison experiments (in a domain where comparisons are easy)
- Killer application (made possible by your method)
6. Evaluation
- How should the work be evaluated?
- What will have been accomplished after you are done?
- What is the contribution to science?
- What are the limitations?
- What new directions does the work open that other people can follow?
7. Conclusion
- What problem are you proposing to solve?
- How do you propose to solve it?
- How's the world a better place when you are done?
Last modified: Sun Sep 25 11:38:06 PDT 2022