Evolving controllers for multilegged robots in simulation is
convenient and flexible, making it possible to prototype ideas
rapidly. However, transferring the resulting controllers to
physical robots is challenging because it is difficult to simulate
real-world complexities with sufficient accuracy. This paper
bridges this gap by utilizing the Evolution of Network Symmetry and
mOdularity (ENSO) approach to evolve modular neural network
controllers that are robust to discrepancies between simulation and
reality. This approach was evaluated by building a physical
quadruped robot and by evolving controllers for it in simulation.
An approximate model of the robot and its environment was built in a
physical simulation and uncertainties in the real world were modeled
as noise. The resulting controllers produced well-synchronized trot
gaits when they were transferred to the physical robot, even on
different walking surfaces. In contrast to a hand-designed PID
controller, the evolved controllers also generalized well to changes
in experimental conditions such as loss of voltage and were more
robust against faults such as loss of a leg, making them strong
candidates for real-world applications.
Videos of robot walking behaviors