In tasks such as pursuit and evasion, multiple agents need to
coordinate their behavior to achieve a common goal. Using the
Multi-agent ESP method, such agents can be effectively evolved in
separate networks, rewarded together as a team. This demo shows two
examples of evolved behavior in the prey-capture task in a toroidal
grid world.
In the role-based
animation, the predator agents (red, green, and blue squares) do
not sense each other directly. Instead, they learn to coordinate
through stigmergy, i.e. through changes in the environment that
result from their actions. The red agent has learned the role of a
blocker, waiting in the prey s (shown as X) path. The other two
are chasers, driving the prey towards the blocker until the prey has nowhere to run (remember the world is a toroid). This kind of
role-based cooperation is easier to learn, more robust, and
more effective than communication-based cooperation in this task. The
team learns behavior similar to a well-trained soccer team, where the
players know what to expect from their teammates, making direct
communication unnecessary.
In the communication-based
animation, the predators broadcast their locations to all other
predators; their coordination is therefore based on
communication. They predators all first chase the prey
vertically, from different directions, forcing it to flee horizontally
in the end. At that point, the red agent assumes the behavior of the
blocker and the other two chase the prey towards it until it is caught between them (the world wraps around at that point). In this typical
behavior of communicating agents, the team members use different
strategies at different times. The behavior is more flexible, but
harder to learn, and not as robust nor as effective. It resembles play
in pickup soccer, where the players have to constantly observe what
their teammates are doing and adapt to it.
The conclusion is that role-based cooperation is a surprisingly
effective approach in certain multi-agent domains like the prey