CoSyNE C++
Released 2011
CoSyNE is a neuroevolution method where synapses of the network are evolved in separate subpopulations in a cooperative fashion. It is particularly powerful in control tasks such as double pole balancing, where it has performed better than other methods. The code is structured so that it is easy to apply it to other tasks by changing the environment class.
Faustino Gomez Postdoctoral Alumni tino [at] idsia ch
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Neuroevolution Risto Miikkulainen In Dinh Phung, Claude Sammut and Geoffrey I. Webb, editors, Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and ... 2022

Neuroevolution Risto Miikkulainen In Sammut, C. and Webb, G. I., editors, Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, 2nd Edition, Berlin... 2015

Accelerated Neural Evolution through Cooperatively Coevolved Synapses Faustino Gomez, Juergen Schmidhuber, and Risto Miikkulainen Journal of Machine Learning Research:937-965, 2008. 2008

Efficient Non-Linear Control through Neuroevolution Faustino Gomez, Juergen Schmidhuber, and Risto Miikkulainen In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning, 654-662, Berlin, 2006. Springe... 2006