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00007 #include "worldviews.h"
00008 #include "stringutils.h"
00012 /* Static defaults */
00013 int    WorldViews::random_seed =123454321;  /* Arbitrary default */
00015 string WorldViews::default_type     = "Input_Gaussian";
00016 string WorldViews::default_angle    = "Random PI/2 PI/2";
00017 string WorldViews::default_position = "Uncorrelate &uncorrelation 0 RN  Random RN/2 RN/2";
00018 string WorldViews::default_scale    = "1.0";
00019 string WorldViews::default_offset   = "0.0";
00020 string WorldViews::default_xsigma   = "&xsigma";
00021 string WorldViews::default_ysigma   = "&ysigma";
00022 string WorldViews::default_phase    = "Random PI/2 PI";
00023 string WorldViews::default_size_scale = "1.0";
00024 string WorldViews::default_image_filename = "image.pgm";
00025 string WorldViews::default_clone_name = "";
00027 string WorldViews::default_command    = "for i=0 i<inputs_pereye i=i+1 exec ${input_default_subcommand}";
00028 string WorldViews::default_subcommand = "input_define Obj$i";
00029 string WorldViews::imagepath = "../images/ ../../images/ ../../../images/ /usr/local/lissom/images/";
00032 int    WorldViews::distribution=Uninitialized;
00033 double WorldViews::input_offset=0.0;
00034 int    WorldViews::inputs_pereye=1;
00035 double WorldViews::xsigma=7;
00036 double WorldViews::ysigma=1.5;
00037 int    WorldViews::current_eye=0;
00038 double WorldViews::scale_input=1.0;
00040 Tristate WorldViews::input_log=True;
00042 int    WorldViews::input_accum_type=Retinal_Composite::Max;
00045 double WorldViews::input_separation_max=Uninitialized;
00046 Tristate WorldViews::input_separation_max_enforce=False;
00047 double WorldViews::input_separation_min=Uninitialized;
00048 Tristate WorldViews::input_separation_min_enforce=False;
00053 void  WorldViews::register_params_and_commands( void )
00054 {
00055   /*
00056     Ensure that this routine is only called once; 
00057     valid since all the parameters are constant or static
00058   */
00059   static bool been_called=false;
00060   if (been_called) return;
00061   been_called=true;
00063   blackboard.define_param(DECLARE_PARAM(PARAM_INT,"input_current_eye",true,&current_eye));
00064   params_define_doc("input_current_eye",
00065           "Read-only parameter which reports the eye in which an object is currently\n"
00066           "being drawn, cleared, etc., e.g. by input_draw.  This can be useful for\n"
00067           "writing equations which place inputs at different but regularly-spaced\n"
00068           "positions, angles, etc. in each eye.\n\n"
00070           "This value is available during the command input_define, but it is not\n"
00071           "currently useful there because all subsequent eyes link directly to the\n"
00072           "values in the first eye (with or without uncorrelation), and thus any\n"
00073           "value computed for a parameter in the higher eyes is ignored.  There may\n"
00074           "be some way to circumvent this limitation.");
00075   SETFN_DEFINE2(input_current_eye,read_only_param_setfn2);
00077   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_clone_name,&default_clone_name,
00078           "Name of default object to clone when none is specified.  The default is to\n"
00079           "clone the entire contents of the retina, which can be useful for\n"
00080           "input_present_object to show all objects in their reset state.  However,\n"
00081           "when using input_define without specifying the name of the object to clone,\n"
00082           "the name should ordinarily be specified via this parameter.");
00084   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_image_filename,&default_image_filename,
00085           "Default filename used by Input_PGM when none is specified explicitly\n"
00086           "in a call to input_define.");
00088   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_command,&default_command,
00089           "Default command used to construct retinal objects when none are created\n"
00090           "explicitly by a call to input_define.  Usually just executes the\n"
00091           "input_default_subcommand \"inputs_pereye\" times, but can be changed to\n"
00092           "do something else, e.g. by setting the distribution parameter.");
00094   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_subcommand,&default_subcommand,
00095           "Command used by the default input_default_command to create each input.\n"
00096           "Usually just executes \"input_define\", but can be changed to something\n"
00097           "more specific.");
00099   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_type,&default_type,
00100           "Default type of retinal object to construct.  Accepts any of the possibilities\n"
00101           "for the <objtype> parameter of input_define.");
00103   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_angle,&default_angle,
00104           "Default theta used to construct most retinal objects when none is\n"
00105           "specified explicitly in a call to input_define.  Usually a randomly\n"
00106           "chosen angle from the full range for a symmetric stimulus (0..PI)\n"
00107           "each presentation.");
00109   PARAM_A(blackboard,"center_width",0.0,,
00110           "Default value of center_width used to construct some retinal objects,\n"
00111           "when none is specified explicitly in a call to input_define.");
00113   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_position,&default_position,
00114           "Default x and y center used to construct most retinal objects when none is\n"
00115           "specified explicitly in a call to input_define.  Usually a randomly chosen\n"
00116           "location on the full retina [0,RN) each presentation (for a persistent\n"
00117           "object defined with input_define), defaulting to the center of the retina\n"
00118           "(for temporary objects created with input_draw.)\n\n");
00120   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_scale,&default_scale,
00121           "Default intensity scale used to construct most retinal objects when none is\n"
00122           "specified explicitly in a call to input_define.");
00124   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_offset,&default_offset,
00125           "Default intensity offset used to construct most retinal objects when none is\n"
00126           "specified explicitly in a call to input_define.");
00128   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_xsigma,&default_xsigma,
00129           "Default xsigma used to construct most retinal objects when none is\n"
00130           "specified explicitly in a call to input_define.  Defaults to be a\n"
00131           "pointer to the global value of xsigma, so it will change any time\n"
00132           "that parameter does.");
00134   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_ysigma,&default_ysigma,
00135           "Default ysigma used to construct most retinal objects when none is\n"
00136           "specified explicitly in a call to input_define.  Defaults to be a\n"
00137           "pointer to the global value of ysigma, so it will change any time\n"
00138           "that parameter does.");
00140   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_phase,&default_phase,
00141           "Default phase used to construct some retinal objects when none is\n"
00142           "specified explicitly in a call to input_define.");
00144   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,input_default_size_scale,&default_size_scale,
00145           "Default size_scale for input objects taking that parameter.");
00147   PARAM_II(PARAM_3BOOL, input_log,&input_log,False,True,
00148           "If true, saves some information about the inputs presented at each iteration\n"
00149           "to the log file so that e.g. the input distribution can be analyzed.");
00151   PARAM_N(PARAM_DOUBLE,scale_input,
00152           "Input scaling factor.  The input level can be scaled to prevent saturating\n"  
00153           "the network.  See also input_offset.");
00155   PARAM_LL(PARAM_INT,   input_seed,&random_seed,0,                  
00156           "Value to which to reset the random number generator in input_reset.");
00158   PARAM_LL(PARAM_DOUBLE,input_separation_max,&input_separation_max,0,
00159           "When input_separation_max_enforce is true, the maximum allowable\n"
00160           "distance between input centers.");
00161   params_define_default_expr("input_separation_max","3.0*rf_radius"); /* Empirical */
00163   PARAM_II(PARAM_3BOOL, input_separation_max_enforce,&input_separation_max_enforce,False,True,
00164           "Whether or not to ensure that input centers are separated by at most\n"
00165           "input_separation_max.");
00167   PARAM_LL(PARAM_DOUBLE,input_separation_min,&input_separation_min,0,
00168           "When input_separation_min_enforce is true, the minimum allowable\n"
00169           "distance between centers of multiple simultaneous input patterns.\n"
00170           "Useful for ensuring that multiple patterns do not overlap spatially,\n"
00171           "so that neurons will not develop preferences for a combination of\n"
00172           "stimuli.  Note that with the input generation algorithm currently used,\n"
00173           "if this parameter is set to a large value relative to the retina size,\n"
00174           "the likelihood of a pattern appearing near the center of the retina will\n"
00175           "decrease, which can adversely affect training.  For even larger values it\n"
00176           "may be impossible to generate a position for a second stimulus (e.g. if\n"
00177           "the value is larger than RN.)  Consequently, you should ensure that when\n"
00178           "this parameter is in use the resulting training distribution (recorded\n"
00179           "in the .log file) is still as you intended.\n");
00180   params_define_default_expr("input_separation_min","2.2*rf_radius"); /* Empirical */
00183   PARAM_II(PARAM_3BOOL, input_separation_min_enforce,&input_separation_min_enforce,False,True,
00184           "Whether or not to ensure that input centers are separated by at least\n"
00185           "input_separation_min.");
00187   PARAM_II(PARAM_INT,   distribution,&distribution,Uninitialized,70,
00188           "Ordinarily, input distributions are defined using input_define or are\n"
00189           "generated automatically based on the defaults, but this parameter allows\n"
00190           "simple selection of a few that have historically been common.  If there\n"
00191           "is any doubt about their meaning, just use input_define explicitly.\n\n"
00193           "Unless otherwise noted, all distribute positions randomly and correlate\n"
00194           "them between the eyes using the uncorrelation parameter, all\n"
00195           "distribute angles randomly in the range [0..PI] radians, and keep all\n"
00196           "other parameters constant.\n\n"
00199           " 0 Uniformly random noise ranging from input_offset to (input_offset+\n"
00200           "   scale_input) at every location on the retina.\n\n\n"
00203           "13 Circular Gaussian input.\n"
00204           "   (Typical distribution for ocular dominance maps.)\n\n\n"
00207           "14 Circular Gaussian input with randomly chosen sigma.\n\n\n"
00210           "20 Ellipsoidal Gaussian input.\n"
00211           "   (Default distribution; typical for orientation maps.)\n\n\n"
00214           "21 Ellipsoidal Gaussian input with random eccentricities.  The\n"
00215           "   mean xsigma and ysigma are kept the same as in distribution 20.\n\n\n"
00218           "22 Ellipsoidal Gaussian input, all parallel to each other.\n\n\n"
00221           "23 Same as 20 with input_separation_min_enforce=True.\n\n\n"
00224           "24 Same as 22 with input_separation_min=True.\n\n\n"
00227           "25 Same as 23 with input_separation_max_enforce=True also.\n\n\n"
00230           "26 Same as 24 with input_separation_max_enforce=True also.\n\n\n"
00233           "60 Same as 20 except that all inputs are fixed at the center of the\n"
00234           "   retina. (Typical distribution for tilt aftereffect tests.)");
00235   /* Note that no setfn should be installed here for the distribution
00236      parameter since one is already installed for it in the Eyes class. */
00238   PARAM_NN(PARAM_INT,   input_accum_type,&input_accum_type,
00239           "Accumulation type for the retina.  See Accum_Max, Accum_Min, Accum_Add, etc.\n"
00240           "Note that changes to this parameter will have no effect once the retina has\n"
00241           "been initialized.");
00243   PARAM_NN(PARAM_USTRING,imagepath,&imagepath,
00244           "Space-separated list of paths to search for images to read.  The current\n"
00245           "directory is always searched first.");
00247   PARAM_NN(PARAM_DOUBLE,input_offset,&input_offset,
00248           "Constant value to add to each retinal input pixel.  See also scale_input.");
00250   PARAM_LL(PARAM_INT,   inputs_pereye,&inputs_pereye,0,
00251            "Default number of input items to create per eye, if none are explicitly\n"
00252            "defined by input_define.  When changed after the network has been\n"
00253            "initialized, undefines all current inputs and regenerates a new set\n"
00254            "using input_default_command.");
00255   /* Note that no setfn should be installed here for the inputs_pereye
00256      parameter since one is already installed for it in the Eyes class. */
00259    PARAM_A(blackboard,"uncorrelation",0.0,.add_lower_bound(0.0).add_upper_bound(1.0),  
00260            "Amount of uncorrelation between the input to different eyes. A value of\n"
00261            "0.0 means that the inputs are entirely correlated, i.e. identical, while\n"
00262            "1.0 means that they are entirely uncorrelated.");
00264    PARAM_LL(PARAM_DOUBLE,xsigma,&xsigma,0,
00265            "Default X sigma of ellipsoidal input Gaussian or similar patterns.\n"
00266            "When changed after the network has been initialized, undefines all\n"
00267            "current inputs and regenerates a new set using input_default_command.");
00269    PARAM_LL(PARAM_DOUBLE,ysigma,&ysigma,0,
00270            "Default Y sigma  of ellipsoidal input Gaussian or similar patterns.\n"
00271            "When changed after the network has been initialized, undefines all\n"
00272            "current inputs and regenerates a new set using input_default_command.");
00274    CONST_I(Accum_Max,int(Retinal_Composite::Max),False,
00275            "Input_Composite objects using this accum_type determine\n"
00276            "their activities at a given retinal location by taking the\n"
00277            "maximum of their children's activities at this location.  This\n"
00278            "makes it easier to combine objects from overlapping pieces.");
00280    CONST_I(Accum_Min,int(Retinal_Composite::Min),False,
00281            "Input_Composite objects using this accum_type determine\n"
00282            "their activities at a given retinal location by taking the\n"
00283            "minimum of their children's activities at this location.  This\n"
00284            "makes it easier to combine objects which are on in the background\n"
00285            "and off in the foreground.");
00287    CONST_I(Accum_Add,int(Retinal_Composite::Add),False,
00288            "Input_Composite objects using this accum_type determine\n"
00289            "their activities at a given retinal location by adding their\n"
00290            "children's activities at this location.  This facilitates construction\n"
00291            "of objects using Boolean specifications, such as punching out holes from\n"
00292            "a larger object.");
00294    CONST_I(Accum_OneHot,int(Retinal_Composite::OneHot),False,
00295            "Input_Composite objects using this accum_type select\n"
00296            "only a single child each iteration, as chosen by the <hot-specifier>\n"
00297            "parameter to Input_Composite.\n\n"
00299            "This accumulation type is useful for selecting one object (randomly, or in\n"
00300            "order) from a set of predefined stimuli.\n\n"
00302            "The <hot-specifier> should be a ValueGenerator in the range [0,1.0];\n"
00303            "it is used to generate an index in the range [0,number_of_children-1].\n"
00304            "Values outside of that range are wrapped back inside using a modulo\n"
00305            "operator, so e.g. a continuously incrementing value will cycle through\n"
00306            "all elements in order.  The default <hot-specifier> results in a random\n"
00307            "order.");
00309    CONST_I(Accum_Replace,int(Retinal_Composite::Replace),False,
00310            "Input_Composite objects using this accum_type obtain each\n"
00311            "pixel value from a single object, rather than combining the pixel\n"
00312            "values like most accum_types do.  The order of object definition\n"
00313            "determines the precedence; the underlying object shows through in\n"
00314            "regions outside the upper object's bounding box and in transparent\n"
00315            "regions of the upper object.\n\n"
00317            "This accumulation type is useful for pasting a small image containing\n"
00318            "both light and dark elements over a background, such that the\n"
00319            "light and dark areas both replace the background underneath.\n\n"
00321            "PGM images do not support transparency directly.  However, as an\n"
00322            "extension, the simulator will treat pixels with a value of 1.0\n"
00323            "(255/255; the brightest white) to be transparent if the PPM file\n"
00324            "contains a comment line \"#Transparent: 255\".  This line can be\n"
00325            "added to the file in any text editor; currently only value 255 is\n"
00326            "supported.\n\n"
00328            "With this accum_type, the background activity level for images is forced\n"
00329            "to zero so that transparency works as expected.  As a consequence, if no\n"
00330            "non-image object covers the background, the background will be zero rather\n"
00331            "than the background level of the image.");
00334   CONST_S(Input_Composite,False,
00335           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00336           "  [<theta> [<cx> [<cy> [<size_scale> [<scale> [<offset> [<accum_type>] [<hot-specifier>]]]]]]]\n\n"
00338           "Container for other objects, allowing a group of them to be moved\n"
00339           "and rotated as a unit.  Only makes sense for input_define rather than\n"
00340           "input_draw, at present.  The <name> parameter supplied in the call may\n"
00341           "henceforth serve as the name of the parent for a newly-defined object;\n"
00342           "the position, angle, and size of the newly-defined child object become\n"
00343           "relative to that of the composite.\n\n"
00345           "Parameter <accum_type> may be one of the following (prefixed with Accum_):\n"
00346           "Max, Min, Add, OneHot, Replace.  See Accum_OneHot for a description of the\n"
00347           "<hot-specifier>, and see Input_Gaussian for descriptions of the other\n"
00348           "parameters.  Example:\n\n"
00350           "input_define Face     \"\"   Input_Composite \"Normal PI/2 PI/18\"\n"
00351           "input_define Mask     Face Input_Gaussian   0  0  0.0 7.00 5  1\n"
00352           "input_define LeftEye  Face Input_Gaussian   0 -1 +2.5 1.25 2 -1\n"
00353           "input_define RightEye Face Input_Gaussian   0 -1 -2.5 1.25 2 -1\n"
00354           "input_define Mouth    Face Input_Gaussian   0 +5  0.0 1.25 2 -1");
00356   CONST_S(Input_UniformRandomNoise,False,
00357           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00358           "  [<scale> [<offset>]]\n\n"
00360           "The activation of each receptor in the retina is chosen randomly from\n"
00361           "a uniform distribution in the range <offset> to <offset>+<scale>.");
00363   CONST_S(Input_Gaussian,False,
00364           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00365           "  [<theta> [<cx> [<cy> [<xsigma> [<ysigma> [<scale> [<offset>]]]]]]]\n\n"
00367           "Two-dimensional Gaussian-shaped input object, i.e. a blob, with the\n"
00368           "indicated parameters:\n\n"
00370           "theta         angle in radians, measured upwards from the left\n"
00371           "              horizontal axis (contrary to standard\n"
00372           "              mathematical usage, for historical reasons))\n"
00373           "              (Defaults to input_default_angle.)\n\n"
00375           "(cx,cy)       location on retina (or parent object) of center\n"
00376           "              relative to an origin at the lower left corner,\n"
00377           "              extending upwards in the Y direction and to the\n"
00378           "              right in the X direction.  Values are floating-\n"
00379           "              point, with receptor (i,j) encompassing an area\n"
00380           "              starting at an upper left corner (i,j) and ending\n"
00381           "              just before the lower right corner (i+1,j+1).\n"
00382           "              Thus to center an item directly over receptor\n"
00383           "              (i,j), place it at (i+0.5,j+0.5).\n"
00384           "              (Defaults to input_default_position.)\n\n"
00386           "xsigma        sigma of the Gaussian in the X direction.\n"
00387           "              (Defaults to input_default_xsigma.)\n\n"
00389           "ysigma        sigma of the Gaussian in the Y direction.\n"
00390           "              (Defaults to input_default_ysigma.)\n\n"
00392           "scale         intensity scale (Defaults to 1.0, full intensity.)\n\n"
00394           "offset        intensity offset (Defaults to 0.0, no offset.)\n\n\n"
00397           "Example:\n"
00398           "  input_define Spot1    \"\" Input_Gaussian  \"Random PI/2 PI/2\" RN/4 RN/4 xsigma/2 ysigma 1.0 0.0\n");
00400   CONST_S(Input_Rectangle,False,
00401           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00402           "  [<cx> [<cy> [<xsigma> [<ysigma> [<scale>] [<offset>]]]]]\n\n"
00404           "Axis-aligned rectangle centered at <cx>,<cy> with width 2*<xsigma>,\n"
00405           "height 2*<ysigma>, and brightness <scale>.\n\n"
00407           "Depending on where the center falls on the grid, the actual length\n"
00408           "(height or width) may be larger or smaller than the nominal length by one\n"
00409           "pixel.  To get e.g. an odd width (e.g. 3), you should specify a <cx> at the\n"
00410           "center of a pixel (e.g. 1.5); this will ensure that the center pixel\n"
00411           "plus equal numbers of pixels on either side are included.  To get an even\n"
00412           "width, you should specify a pixel boundary instead (e.g. 2.0) so that an\n"
00413           "equal number of pixels are included on each side.\n\n"
00415           "This object type can be useful for drawing a pattern pixel-by-pixel.  To e.g.\n"
00416           "specify that the pixel at (3,1) should have activation 0.7, use:\n"
00417           "  Input_Rectangle  3.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 scale=0.7");
00419   CONST_S(Input_CircularGaussian,False,
00420           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00421           "  [<cx> [<cy> [<xsigma> [<scale> [<offset>]]]]]\n\n"
00423           "Two-dimensional circular Gaussian with radial sigma <xsigma>,\n"
00424           "which defaults to be a pointer to the global xsigma.\n"
00425           "See Input_Gaussian for descriptions of the other parameters.");
00427   CONST_S(Input_SineGrating,False,
00428           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00429           "  [<theta> [<freq> [<phase> [<scale> [<offset>] [<cx> [<cy>]]]]]]\n\n"
00431           "Sinusoidal grating input object which covers the entire retina.  The\n"
00432           "frequency and phase of the sine wave are set by <freq> and <phase>,\n"
00433           "and the origin of the function is (<cx>,<cy>).  The <phase> and origin\n"
00434           "default to random values at each presentation, centered at PI/2 and the\n"
00435           "and the center of the retina, respectively.  The <frequency> has an\n"
00436           "arbitrary default.\n\n"
00438           "Using the default <phase>, the origin can be used to fix the retinal\n"
00439           "location of one bar, regardless of the frequency.\n\n"
00441           "The <freq> is specified in terms of retinal units.  Thus at a frequency\n"
00442           "of 1.0, one sine grating cycle will take 2*PI (~6.3) retinal units.  The\n"
00443           "phase is specified in terms of radians; values repeat every 2*PI radians.\n\n"
00445           "Note that (for the default offset) the sine grating is half-rectified\n"
00446           "since negative activations are ignored.  To get a full sine wave in the\n"
00447           "standard activity range 0.0-1.0, use an offset of 0.5 and a scale of 0.5.");
00449   CONST_S(Input_Gabor,False,
00450           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00451           "  [<theta> [<cx> [<cy> [<xsigma> [<ysigma> [<freq> [<phase> [<scale> [<offset>]]]]]]]]]\n\n"
00452           "Gabor-shaped input object, i.e. a sine grating masked by a Gaussian.\n"
00453           "See Input_Gaussian and Input_SineGrating for descriptions of the\n"
00454           "parameters.");
00456   CONST_S(Input_FuzzyDisc,False,
00457           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00458           "  [<theta> [<cx> [<cy> [<ysigma> [<center_width> [<scale> [<offset>]]]]]]]\n\n"
00460           "Circular disc of radius <center_width> with one-dimensional Gaussian\n"
00461           "falloff (sigma <ysigma>) as distance increases from the disc.\n"
00462           "(Full brightness is maintained for the entire <center_width>, after\n"
00463           "which the brightness decreases according to a Gaussian of sigma\n"
00464           "ysigma.)  The <center_width> defaults to zero and the <ysigma> defaults\n"
00465           "to be a pointer to the global ysigma; such values match the appearance of\n"
00466           "Input_CircularGaussian, but will be slightly less efficient to compute.");
00468   CONST_S(Input_FuzzyLine,False,
00469           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00470           "  [<theta> [<cx> [<cy> [<ysigma> [<center_width> [<scale> [<offset>]]]]]]]\n\n"
00472           "Infinite line of width <center_width> with one-dimensional Gaussian\n"
00473           "falloff (sigma <ysigma>) as distance increases from that point.\n"
00474           "(Full brightness is maintained for the entire <center_width>, after\n"
00475           "which the brightness decreases according to a Gaussian of sigma\n"
00476           "ysigma.)  The <center_width> defaults to zero and the <ysigma> defaults\n"
00477           "to be a pointer to the global ysigma.");
00479   CONST_S(Input_FuzzyRing,False,
00480           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00481           "  [<cx> [<cy> [<ysigma> [<center_width> [<radius> [<scale> [<offset>]]]]]]]\n\n"
00483           "Circular ring (torus) of the given <radius> whose brightness is\n"
00484           "maximal for a distance of <center_width> around the radius, then\n"
00485           "falls off according to a one-dimensional Gaussian of sigma\n"
00486           "<ysigma> as radial distance increases from that point.  The\n"
00487           "<center_width> defaults to zero and the <ysigma> defaults to\n"
00488           "be a pointer to the global ysigma.");
00490   CONST_S(Input_PGM,False,
00491           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00492           "  [<filename> [<theta> [<cx> [<cy> [<size_scale> [<autoscale> [<transparent> [<scale> [<offset>]]]]]]]]]\n\n"
00494           "Reads input from the specified PGM-format or PBM-format file.\n\n"
00496           "The size_scale changes the effective size of the image on the retina.\n"
00497           "One common use of a non-unitary size_scale is to work with images larger\n"
00498           "than the final desired size, oversampling them to avoid pixellation effects\n"
00499           "when doing rotations, etc.  E.g. double-size images can be used with a\n"
00500           "size_scale of 0.5 and a world_size_scale of 2.0, with the same results as\n"
00501           "single-sized images would have except that (with proper input convolution)\n"
00502           "aliasing should be reduced.  See the documentation for Input_Gaussian for\n"
00503           "information about the other parameters.\n\n"
00505           "The parameters default to the defaults of Input_Gaussian for images\n"
00506           "smaller than the retina in any dimension, i.e. any images that can\n"
00507           "be placed at an arbitrary location and angle.  All larger images default\n"
00508           "to being upright with no angle variation, and to vary in position only\n"
00509           "as much as is possible without ever showing a border.  This distinction\n"
00510           "reflects differences in the primary uses of image objects -- they can\n"
00511           "act as regular objects which happen to be defined in an image file, or as\n"
00512           "literal specification of the entire contents of the retina.  Unfortunately,\n"
00513           "these defaults are not useful if you specify a size_scale explicitly;\n"
00514           "they are calculated assuming size_scale==1.0.\n\n"
00516           "If autoscale is nonzero, then the gray levels in the image are scaled so that\n"
00517           "the peak is at full scale.  The scale parameter, if any, then applies to this\n"
00518           "auto-scaled value.\n\n"
00520           "If you have a set of images that you want to present as the entire contents\n"
00521           "of the retina, e.g. to play a movie recorded from video, you can define\n"
00522           "hooks to clear the input and read in the appropriate frame each time. For\n"
00523           "example, assume that you have 999 frames stored in PGM files named\n"
00524           "image_001.pgm, image_002.pgm, ..., image_999.pgm.  To present the\n"
00525           "appropriate file at each iteration, you could use these commands:\n\n"
00527           "  hook before_input 1-999 input_undefine\n"
00528           "  hook before_input 1-999 input_define Image '' Input_PGM 'image_${03iteration}.pgm' PI/2 RN/2 RN/2 1.0\n\n"
00530           "Here the Input_PGM parameters are used to force the images to appear upright\n"
00531           "in the center of the retina at the same size each time, which is appropriate\n"
00532           "for full-retina images.  The '03' ensures that all frames use 3 digits for the\n"
00533           "iteration number, even for low numbers, to match the filenames.\n\n"
00535           "Note that due to accumulation of tiny floating-point errors in calculations,\n"
00536           "the bitmap presented might not match the source bitmap in every pixel, even\n"
00537           "when the input is presented axis-aligned and at a size_scale of 1.0. Be sure\n"
00538           "to examine the actual input presented if such details matter.  The code for\n"
00539           "this input type could be extended with special cases for direct rendering\n"
00540           "to eliminate such errors if need be.");
00542   CONST_S(Input_Clone,False,
00543           "Input object (see command input_define) with parameters:\n"
00544           "  [<name_of_original>]\n\n"
00546           "Defines an object that is a clone of the object with the given name.\n"
00547           "Any ValueGenerators the object has are cloned too, such that the clone\n"
00548           "has the same value distribution but different actual values.  The original\n"
00549           "object name (i.e. the object to clone) defaults to the value of\n"
00550           "input_default_clone_name; see that parameter's documentation for more\n"
00551           "details.  Named ValueGenerator arguments appropriate for the cloned\n"
00552           "object may be passed in after the name of the original object; these\n"
00553           "will be applied after cloning to override the inherited settings.\n\n"
00555           "The semantics of this operation are extremely tricky, and in fact it is\n"
00556           "only partially implemented.  Specifically, in the case when num_eyes>1\n"
00557           "and uncorrelation!=0, a cloned object will differ from the original\n"
00558           "by not having any uncorrelation introduced.  This difference is for\n"
00559           "very technical reasons having to do with how a cloned object is\n"
00560           "constructed for eyes other than the first, which is to clone the\n"
00561           "existing object in the current eye and replace its ValueGenerator\n"
00562           "parameter links to point to the newly cloned object in the first eye.\n"
00563           "This consideration is important only for input_define; input_draw\n"
00564           "always uses the starting state of the objects and thus is not\n"
00565           "affected by uncorrelation.");
00566 }
00570 void WorldViews::generate_default_contents( void )
00571 {
00572   /* Execute input_default_command relatively silently */ 
00573   const int oldverbosity = ipc_msg_level;
00574   const int newverbosity = IPC_SUMMARY;
00575   if (ipc_msg_level > newverbosity) ipc_msg_level=newverbosity;
00576   cmddefs_exec_str(default_command.c_str());
00577   if (ipc_msg_level==newverbosity)  ipc_msg_level=oldverbosity;
00578 }
00582 bool WorldViews::next(void)
00583 {
00584   /* Update parameters for this presentation */
00585   if (input_log)
00586     ipc_log(IPC_ONE,"Iteration: %06d",iteration);
00588   for (iterator eye=contents.begin(); eye!=contents.end(); eye++) {
00589     if (!(*eye)->next()) {
00590       const string name = (*eye)->name();
00591       ipc_notify(IPC_ONE,IPC_CAUTION,
00592                  "Failed to generate valid position for object in %s at iteration %06d",
00593                  name.c_str(),iteration);
00594     }
00595     else if (input_log) {
00596       string str=(*eye)->stringrep();
00597       ipc_log(IPC_ONE,"  [%s]",str.c_str());
00598     }
00599   }
00600   ipc_log(IPC_ONE,"\n");
00601   return true;
00602 }
00608 void WorldViews::define(const string& regionname, const double height, const double width)
00609 {
00610   /* If one already exists, just ensure that it is of the right size */
00611   Retinal_AnchoredManagedComposite* existing =
00612     dynamic_cast<Retinal_AnchoredManagedComposite*>(Generic::find_named<Retinal_Object>(contents,regionname));
00613   if (existing) {
00614     existing->resize(height,width);
00615     return;
00616   }
00618   /* Otherwise create a new one */
00619   Retinal_Object::VarMap  vars;
00620   vars.set("hot",(contents.empty()? new UR_VGen(0.5,0.5) :
00621                   new VGen(contents[0]->get_varptr("hot"))));
00622   vars.set("size_scale",new VGen(1.0));
00623   vars.set("scale",new VGen(&scale_input));
00624   vars.set("offset",new VGen(&input_offset));
00626   Retinal_AnchoredManagedComposite newobj
00627   (regionname,
00628    &input_separation_min_enforce,   &input_separation_min,
00629    &input_separation_max_enforce,   &input_separation_max,
00630    Retinal_Composite::AccumulationType(input_accum_type),
00631    vars, height, width);
00633   /* This dynamic_cast can be removed once the Cray compiler supports
00634      derived-class virtual function return types. */
00635   Generic::insert_named(contents,regionname,dynamic_cast<value_type>(newobj.clone()));
00636 }
00641 bool WorldViews::create_object(StringArgs args, const string& name,
00642                                WorldViews& reference_contents,
00643                                bool link_eyes) // Should be made const
00644 {
00645   DistributedValueGeneratorFactory<Retinal_Object::Variable> vgf;
00646   RetinalObjectStringArgs::DefaultsMap defaults; 
00648   /* ValueGenerators */
00649   defaults["transparent"]      = "-1";
00650   defaults["autoscale"]        = "0";
00651   defaults["theta"]            = "${input_default_angle}";
00652   defaults["cx"]               = "${input_default_position}";
00653   defaults["cy"]               = "${input_default_position}";
00654   defaults["xsigma"]           = "${input_default_xsigma}";
00655   defaults["ysigma"]           = "${input_default_ysigma}";
00656   defaults["radius"]           = "BaseRN/4"; // Arbitrary
00657   defaults["scale"]            = "${input_default_scale}";
00658   defaults["offset"]           = "${input_default_offset}";
00659   defaults["hot"]              = "Random 0.5 0.5";
00660   defaults["size_scale"]       = "${input_default_size_scale}";
00661   defaults["phase"]            = "${input_default_phase}";
00662   defaults["freq"]             = "0.5"; // Defaults to size comparable to default Gaussian
00663   defaults["center_width"]     = "&center_width";
00664   /* Other parameters */
00665   defaults["clone_name"]       = "${input_default_clone_name}";
00666   defaults["image_filename"]   = "${input_default_image_filename}";
00667   defaults["image_paths"]      = "${imagepath}";
00668   defaults["type"]             = "${input_default_type}";
00669   defaults["accum_type"]       = "Accum_Add";
00671   RetinalObjectFactory rof;
00673   /* Adds the new object to the specified parent(s), if any are found */
00674   Retinal_Object* masterobj=0;  
00675   for (unsigned int e=0; e<contents.size(); e++) {
00676     WorldViews::set_current_eye(e);
00677     StringArgs arglist = args; // Reset for each loop iteration
00679     const string specified_parent  =""));
00680     /* Special case: usually the empty string is used directly to
00681        represent 'any parent', but sometimes multiple quoting levels
00682        can make it difficult to represent an empty string, so the
00683        synonym "All" is also accepted. */
00684     const string parent  = (specified_parent == "All" ? string() : specified_parent);
00685     Retinal_Composite* parentptr = dynamic_cast<Retinal_Composite*>(contents[e]->find(parent));
00687     if (parentptr) {
00688       /*
00689         Linking objects between eyes can get very messy.  Currently
00690         the first eye for which an object is defined is considered the
00691         master eye, to which others link or uncorrelate.  For simple
00692         objects, the relationships are usually straightforward.
00693         However, if an existing object is being cloned, one must clone
00694         the object in the current eye and then replace the links to
00695         point to the new clone in the master eye.  In such cases no
00696         Uncorrelation is introduced, since that would be too difficult
00697         to reconstruct.  Call with link_eyes=false to get more
00698         predictable behavior, but of course then each eye will be
00699         independent.
00700       */
00701       RetinalObjectStringArgs sa(arglist, vgf, defaults, (link_eyes ? masterobj : 0));
00702       Retinal_Composite* basecomposite = reference_contents.contents[(link_eyes && masterobj) ? e : 0];
00703       Retinal_Object* newobj = rof.create(name, sa, basecomposite, parentptr);
00704       if (newobj) {
00705         parentptr->add(newobj);
00707         /*
00708           The first object defined (i.e., the object in the first eye
00709           found) is called the master; the others are linked or
00710           correlated with that one (if at all)
00711         */
00712         if (!masterobj) masterobj = newobj;
00713       }
00714     }
00715   }
00717   if (masterobj==0) {
00718     ipc_notify(IPC_ONE,IPC_ERROR,"Could not define input object");
00719     return 1;
00720   }
00722   return 0;
00723 }
00727 void WorldViews::remove_object(const string& parent, const string& name)
00728 {
00729   for (unsigned int e=0; e<contents.size(); e++) {
00730     set_current_eye(e);
00731     Retinal_Composite* parentptr =
00732       dynamic_cast<Retinal_Composite*>(contents[e]->find(PARSE_C(parent.c_str())));
00734     if (parentptr) parentptr->remove(PARSE_C(name.c_str()));
00735   }
00736 }
00740 void WorldViews::print_object(const string& parent, const string& name) const
00741 {
00742   for (unsigned int e=0; e<contents.size(); e++) {
00743     set_current_eye(e);
00744     Retinal_Object* parentptr = contents[e]->find(PARSE_C(parent.c_str()));
00746     if (parentptr) {
00747       Retinal_Object* childptr = parentptr->find(PARSE_C(name.c_str()));
00748       if (childptr)
00749         ipc_notify(IPC_ONE,IPC_SUMMARY,childptr->stringrep().c_str());
00750     }
00751   }
00752 }
00756 cmdstat WorldViews::set_distribution(int dist, bool& changed)
00757 {  
00758   /* Define objects */
00759   string cmdstr="for i=0 i<inputs_pereye i=i+1 input_define";
00760   switch (dist) {
00761   case 0:
00762     cmdstr+=" noise \"\" Input_UniformRandomNoise &scale_input &input_offset";
00763     break;
00765   case 13:
00766     cmdstr+=" \"\" \"\" Input_CircularGaussian";
00767     break;
00769   case 14:
00770     cmdstr+=" \"\" \"\" Input_CircularGaussian \""
00771       + string(WorldViews::default_position) + "\" \"" +  WorldViews::default_position
00772       + "\" \"Random (ysigma-xsigma)/2 (ysigma-xsigma)/2\"";
00773     break;
00775   case 20: case 23: case 25: case 61:
00776     cmdstr+="";
00777     break;
00779   case 21:
00780     /*
00781       Originally this was handled by:
00783       * The mean X and Y sigmas are kept the same as in previous; *
00784       * generates variance uniformly distributed in 0.2 to 2*(xsigma^2) *
00785       local_xsigma = 0.2 + 2.0 * xsigma * my_random();
00786       local_ysigma = 0.2 + 2.0 * ysigma * my_random();
00788       It's not clear if the same behavior will result as it has been
00789       redefined here:
00790     */
00791     cmdstr+=" \"\" \"\" Input_Gaussian \""
00792       + string(WorldViews::default_angle) + "\" \"" + WorldViews::default_position + "\" \"" +  WorldViews::default_position
00793       + "\" \"Random xsigma 2*xsigma*xsigma\" \"Random ysigma 2*ysigma*ysigma\"";
00794     break;
00796   case 22: case 24: case 26:
00797     cmddefs_exec_str("input_define_generator parallel_angle \"Random PI/2 PI/2\"");
00798     cmdstr+=" \"\" \"\" Input_Gaussian &parallel_angle";
00799     break;
00801   case 60: 
00802     cmdstr+=" \"\" \"\" Input_Gaussian \""
00803       + string(WorldViews::default_angle) + "\" RN/2 RN/2";
00804     break;
00806   case Uninitialized: /* No-op */
00807     return CMD_NO_ERROR;
00809   default:
00810     ipc_notify(IPC_ONE,IPC_ERROR,"Don't know anything about distribution %d",dist);
00811     return CMD_PARAMETER_ERROR;
00812   }
00813   WorldViews::default_command = cmdstr;
00814   WorldViews::distribution=dist;
00817   /* Set general parameters */
00818   WorldViews::input_separation_min_enforce = ((dist==23 || dist==24 || dist==25 || dist==26)? True : False);
00819   WorldViews::input_separation_max_enforce = (                        (dist==25 || dist==26)? True : False);
00821   /* Declare that any existing input would need to be regenerated */
00822   changed=true;
00824   return CMD_NO_ERROR;
00825 }

Generated on Mon Jan 20 02:35:45 2003 for RF-LISSOM by doxygen1.3-rc2